Wednesday 9 October 2013

Vision, Mission and Aims

Our vision works to find sustainable ways to empower the marginalized and vulnerable groups live in peace and justice.

Captures the essence of why the District exists with regard to the sustainable utilization of natural resources and what the stakeholders are committing to undertake in order to achieve the shared vision, the running themes were:

v  Community sensitization and mobilization on HIV/AIDS, stigma, discrimination, etc through creative presentation in local, Debates, poems etc.

v  Identification and assessment of needy children in the communities and families near the areas of operation.

v  Promoting and encouraging education to families affected by HIV/AIDS especially orphans through school enrolment, provision of school fees, uniforms, and other educational needs.

v  Provision of basic needs i.e. food, clothing, medical care, etc to the unfortunate children and other socio-economic human rights.

To mobilize and empower the Geita people to utilize available natural resources sustainably.

About Alliance Care for Initiative Support

ACIS is a community Based organization (CBO) locally registered on 9th September, 2009.
under Non-Governmental Organizations Act,2002 with Registration No.00CBO/003373. 
Listed on NGOs/CBOs of Geita District Council Database of Department of Community Development with Number:GDC/CD/NGO/CBO/NO.0052/2010.and with Taxpayer identification number (TIN) No. 111-884-617 issued on 03/02/2011.